About Me

Born, raised and operating out of Cheshire, UK, I’m a software developer and software development director offering services to the IT industry. I primarily offer C++ development services but I also have extensive project and people management experience – especially within the games industry – and am happy to discuss project management and team management opportunities on an interim or contract basis.

I recently released a free-to-use C++ source library called OutputStreams for diagnostic and other logging applications. It’s a wrapper that extends the C++ standard library and you can read more about it in my blog post and on the main OutputStreams page.

I’ve worked in IT – as programmer, project manager, studio manager, company director and other roles – since 1987. I’ve always retained my programming skills so am able to talk to technical staff in common terms – essential for evaluating projects from technical and general scheduling perspectives and also very helpful for managing development teams.

I have plenty of recent experience writing code for Windows, Linux and several games consoles, targeting multi-processor and multi-core systems with modern C++ (’11 and ’14) – usually in bespoke situations and especially performance critical ones such as gaming.

I primarily use cross-platform compilation techniques when targeting Linux and my library code workflow, which produces code for (at least) Microsoft and Linux compilers concurrently means I’ve usually tested, optimised and debugged my Linux code before it gets anywhere near any bespoke, lightweight target systems or distributions.

To discuss business opportunities or any other matters, please drop me a line via email – .

My other passion in life is music and I’ve been teaching myself to play the guitar for the last few years. I’ve been almost exclusively self-teaching using books and one or two online resources – whenever I’ve failed to find the answer to a question in one of those media I’ve usually just figured things out for myself by trial and error, whether sight reading, general playing or instrument setup.

I look forward to hearing from you!